Monthly Archives: May 2011

Off into the wild blue yonder…

Share Growing up I had a riding instructor who used to sing “Off into the Wild Blue Yonder” in the  early morning as she led us on our horses away from the barn  and down the long well worn dirt path … Continue reading

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A Morning Walk at Moreland

ShareWhen I walked out my door this morning, this is what I saw. It’s gonna be a good day. Lucky me.

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Ode to Peonies

ShareI LOVE peonies. There is so much to love: all the pretty colors, the sweet perfume that tickles your nose and the explosion of big blossoms. They are joy in bloom. Love. Hope. Laughter. All that is good in this … Continue reading

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So my husband makes beer

ShareI definitely reap the benefits of having a home brewing husband besides the obvious one of having my favorite tasty flavors on tap within my own home.  Here are a few others that might not occur to you, in no … Continue reading

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Squam or Bust, I mean Beer.

ShareSo we are out to dinner with friends when someone asks us how we plan to spend our upcoming 15 year wedding anniversary. Vegas? Dinner and a show? “I’ll be knitting and drinking beer with the Yarn Harlot,” she says happily. “I’ll … Continue reading

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He is here.

ShareWe have waited. Months, days, hours. We have waited impatiently, noisily and anxiously. Now he is here. 10 fingers, 10 toes and full happy lungs. So small, but my heart is so full. Welcome to the world, Edison. We are … Continue reading

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Brain Writing or Ms. Brain has her way

ShareIt’s taken a long time to get to this point: fingers on the keyboard and a blank page in front of me.  It’s not that I don’t have things I want to write about; it’s quite the opposite. A stenobook … Continue reading

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