I’m just sayin’… or rather my mug is

I love tea, hot or cold -but especially hot- the taste, the smell, the act of drinking it, the comforting warmth of it, going to a tea house on my birthday every year with my mom, tea mugs, cups, and teapots, the little sandwiches and scones, the tablecloths, gathering for a Mother-Daughter tea with friends, reading about people drinking a restorative cup of tea in English novels… you get the idea.

Most of the time, I’m a pretty easy read.  But, if you have trouble discerning what type of mood I am in, I’ll give you a little hint: just check out what I poured my tea into that day.  It may give you an idea of where I would rather be or where my mind has settled. Good or bad day – the color, shape, style and texture may be a solid indicator of what’s going on in my fragile little brain.

Am I feeling earthy crunchy and one with nature? Or am I dreaming of those long, lazy days at the beach walking along the shore looking for shells and secret treasures?  The kind of day that you wish would last forever. Your skin smells of sunshine and lotion.

The dog smells of salt water and  seaweed.



The pink of your little painted toes peek out of the sand and you dream of owning a place by the sea where you can live out all the rest of your days in bliss.


Or am I in a crafty mood. Sewing, drawing, sketching.  In search of the next bright color to adorn my pretty papers and quotes. Sorting through fabric, patterns, books and buttons. Letting the colors and textures be my inspiration. Feeling blessed to have a moment to create something new, different and mine.

Am I craving peace, calm and serenity? Or, have I just come from yoga with a mind, body and soul that is in balance. Or, do I yearn for a chance to steal away from the hectic world of finance, CNBC and egos?

Maybe, I am ready to get my Knit on. My mind sifting through my yarn bins in search of the perfect wool for the perfect project to make my day perfect.  Knit one, Purl one, Breathe one. Knit one , Purl one, Giggle two. Thinking of my Knitting Peeps at the shop and wondering when we will get the chance to gather together again to share our secrets. Because, what happens at the knit shop, stays at the knit shop!

If it’s a chilly day maybe I’m wishing I was curled up by the fire with the dog, a shawl and a cup of tea.

Dreaming of Spring flowers, green grass and warm beaches.

Hoping the snow doesn’t get too deep and adding one more log on the dancing flames.

Possibly I am in the mood for a good book in the nook? A novel by Jane Eyre perhaps.

A chat with the Bronte sisters.

A poem by Mrs. Browning.



If it’s a breezy day, maybe my mind is sitting by the window and watching the robins hunt for worms and the bluebirds nibble on raspberries. The bunnies may be taking a romp in the tall grass in the field while the mourning dove sings it solemn song.  I could let my mind wander up to the top of the hill and stare down at the valley below.

It doesn’t matter where I really am, because a cup of tea can transport me to where I want to be. No fancy flying machine is necessary for me to escape to a sweeter more fragrant place.





But, let’s be realistic. If things are a bit tough and a cup of tea isn’t cutting it, I can always have a mug of beer. Bottoms up!

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