Today’s Mantra: do nothing

There has been a recurring theme in my art journal and meditations lately: rest.  Rest like your life depends on it. Just. Stop. Doing.

It occurs to me that although I consciously seek a balance between work and home life, I don’t consciously seek out rest with a capital R.  To reduce the stress and high energy pace of my job, I garden, journal, knit, create and read.  Even with meditating, I am often seeking an answer to something.  But, I am rarely “not doing.”  Society has lead us to feel that it is wrong to “not do.”  People use words like, lazy, sloth, and irresponsible, when they witness “not doing.”  I, myself, assume that someone is ducking out on something important when I see them “not doing.”   And so, I am going to give “not doing” a try.

My soul speaks in a soft and gentle voice.  So soft in fact, that I often don’t hear it, especially if I am too busy “doing” to listen.  My guess is that I have been ignoring this message for quite a while.

So my Mantra for Today:  do nothing. Absolutely nothing.  Sit, sleep, eat and smile, like my life depends on it, because it does. 

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