Today’s Mantra: Shine on

Aesop is quoted as saying:

No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.

I believe the same can be said for shining our own unique light out into the world. No matter how small, it is never wasted.  Sometimes, that smile you give a stranger is met with a sour face, but sometimes the smile shines back at you and that stranger passes it on to another.  The lovely ripple effect of shining your kindness out into the world.

Some days, I am tired and stressed and I’m that sour face in the crowd.  I’m always grateful when a stranger or friend takes the time to extend kindness to me anyway even if it appears that I will surely bite their head off.

My mantra for today: Shine whatever light you can.

The amount, brilliance and reach matters not.  All that matters is that on this day, in this moment an offering was made to the Universe of whatever light you had available to give.  The magic is that the world will shine it back 3 fold and then we may all Shine On.


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