Greeting cards can support your immune system.

I struggle with construction dust, mold and plant allergies.  Not the run-of-the-mill seasonal allergies. No,  I’m talking about a canary-in-a-coal-mine-full-on-body-rash type of thing as a result of an over-reactive immune system.  A three year bout with Lyme’s disease didn’t help my immune system either.  But, through supplements, exercise, clean living, meditation, stress reduction and the acquisition of constructive coping skills,  I am in a better place…most of the time.  Recently, however, my immune system and I have been at odds.  So much so that I was forced to shut it down with a cortisone shot, a 6 day dose of Prednisone and am currently ending my second round of a 6 day oral steroid.

I hate silencing my immune system for over-reacting, but sometimes that’s what it comes to.  To repair the damage to the relationship, I decided to send it a get-well card.  I carefully chose one made by my  dear friend, Colleen Attara.  Her cards are able to mold themselves into being appropriate for a wide variety of occasions.  She, herself, is a soothing soul too.

Dearest Immune System:

Hey there, how are you?  Not so good, huh?  Well, I just want to apologize for those nasty remarks I made about you and having to slap you upside the head by taking out the big guns….steriod injections and oral Prednisone.  You said some things. I said some things.  And now, here we are.  

I know that we’ve had a tough go of it lately and that you have been trying really hard not to over-react and go all full-body-rash on me, but to no avail. My Miss Itchy and Bitchy attitude has not been helpful either. Our DNA, love of gardening, home renovation, country living, a dog companion who rolls in poison ivy, and forces beyond our control have put us at odds once again. But, I want you to know that I love you and will do my best to support you and help you heal.  We have been through some crazy times and yet we are still together.  I promise to speak kindly of you and to you, to feed you lots of fresh fruits and veggies, to soothe you with ice packs, lavender and oatmeal baths, to wrap you in extra-soft, brightly-colored cotton, to bring you wild flowers, to let you quietly rest when you are weary, to sing you sweet lullabies when you can’t sleep, and to be patient, kind and calm while you work to restore my body to its former energetic, healthy and happy state.  

And dear sweet immune system, please know that I appreciate all that you have done for me and are doing for me now.  We got this, you and me. We’ve been through worse.  We can do hard things.  This is only temporary.  How about I put on some ocean sounds, fill the essential oil diffuser with lavender and we settle down with your favorite plush, pink blanket and a good book.  

Turtle steps, my friend.  Turtle steps. 

Love,  Dearest Me

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