Searching for a new sense of normal

Surviving and thriving after a big change or loss requires finding                      a new sense of normal.

The ring. The pause. The answer.
A: Hey, LL.
Solid. Even. Calm.
My rock on the trading floor.
A: We’ll try the darks. Let’s see if it lifts. We’ve got time.

The ring. The pause. The answer.
A: Hey, LL.
Constant. Reliable. Comforting.
My sense of normal at the other end of the phone.
A: Do you have more behind? You would here or work it? Want me to hit the bid?

The ring. The pause. The answer.
A: Hey, LL.
Upbeat. On board. Positive.
My teammate in the trenches on up days and down days.
A: How can I help? You okay? I got you.

The ring. The pause. No answer.
LL: Hey, Andre?
Heartbroken. Stunned. Speechless.
My port in the storm is missing.
LL: Your voice was a bear hug. You were kind, caring and encouraging. You had my back.

The ring. The pause. No answer.
LL: Hey, Andre?
Lost. Grasping. Confused.
My rock on the trading floor is gone.
LL: You always made sure that I was okay in the middle of the chaos. How do I find a new sense of normal without you?

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