Today’s Mantra: Find the cheering section within

My nesting tendency results in a cluster of photos, critters and trinkets where ever I land: my desk at the office, my spot at the kitchen table or my art table in the studio.  The cluster serves as a cheering section.  Reminders that I am loved, that there are people on my team and that I belong.

We all just want someone to cheer us on. To support us and tell us that we are doing a good job at this thing called life. We search for or create external cheering sections, signs and indicators that we are worthy.

But, if we can learn to look to the cheering section within, our lives become portable, our boundaries widen and we become more resilient. The key to remember is that the true self – the internal cheering section – would never, ever speak harshly to us. It would never chide, manipulate or coerce us into anything. The biggest shift in my life came when I realized my hustling ego was drowning out my cheering section. Our internal voice is kind, supportive and wise. If you think yours isn’t, then you aren’t hearing your true self; you are hearing your inner critic, the voice that tries to please, bargain and divide.

Creativity is just one of the ways we can let our internal voice speak. It allows us the opportunity to express our essential selves.

 But, we must be mindful not to let the opinions of others

affect the value of that creative voice.

The creative whispers from within hold the essence of who we are and why each of us is so important to the whole of humanity. 

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