Today’s Mantra: It’s a choice and I choose kindness.

Although by social standards I am considered “middle-aged”, I feel far from wise.  There are still many things I just plain don’t understand and will likely never understand -like being unkind just for the sake of being unkind. Actually, I hope I never understand this.  I’m not a Pollyanna and really do have a firm grip on reality and understand that being kind to most people requires more effort on some days than others and that some people require more of my patience than others.  I’m not even saying that I am never unkind, just never intentionally at least.  If I am, it’s more a result of stupidity or insensitivity on my part than outright cruelty. Some people though, actually seem to relish being unkind. This – I just don’t understand.

Can you think of a time that a stranger showed you a tiny act of kindness that turned your whole day around?  I can think of plenty: acts as simple as holding the elevator door,  slowing down to let someone merge easily, smiling at the driver next to you at a stop light, letting someone go ahead in line that has only two items to check out or choosing to hold your tongue if you have nothing nice to say.  Simple, kind acts that don’t require a lot of effort, but acts that can have a huge impact just the same.  Okay, I admit that – holding your tongue – part can require quite a bit of effort sometimes.

One of my favorite Albert Schweitzer quotes (any I have many) is: You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others – something for which you get no pay, but the privilege of doing it. Like say, smiling at a stranger on a busy sidewalk perhaps? Hmm?

It’s a choice really. Think about it. We may not have control over a lot of things in this world, but we do have a choice about whether or not we choose to be kind to all living creatures.  And, I do mean all living creatures, especially animals.  There’s a whole other blog post in there, I’m sure.

I do my best to choose kindness on a daily basis. If you see me on the street and I’ve made the wrong choice that day, please forgive me – I can be stupid too.  Try smiling at me, it will most likely turn my whole day around.

Today’s Mantra:

Today I will do my best to cultivate kindness and remember it takes only a moment to be kind.


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