It’s a good thing socks come in pairs

In my opinion, one of the greatest things about knitting is the ability to rip back and fix your mistakes. You know, the quintessential do over.  Oops, I dropped a stitch!  No worries, I’ll just unknit until I reach my error and correct it.  That’s called “tinking” for you non-knitters. Knit spelled backwards. What ? We knitters are a very humorous bunch.

Any way, as I was saying.  I wish all of life were so easy. Oops, I made a stupid comment. No worries, I’ll just rewind to my verbal blunder and unsay it. Ah, knitting. If only you could solve all my stupid problems and silly worries.  I do have quite a few… issues, let’s say.  Although I have an enormous stash of yarn just waiting to be cast on my needles ready to conquer the world, there are some times when the anxiety seems bigger than the stash. 

Fortunately, knitting gives me the opportunity to focus on things that I can change and I can fix and to some extent – I can control. Okay, those who knit probably laughed at that control comment. They know better. But truthfully, what I love about knitting the most is that it allows me to slow my racing mind down to a single stitch. A single second. A single breath.

And, if I haven’t sorted the stresses in my life by the time I finish the first sock, no worries … socks come in pairs.

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2 Responses to It’s a good thing socks come in pairs

  1. WalshMuser says:

    Wonderful post! I think we all need something in our lives that helps us focus on the current moment and what action or attitude we can take right now, without worrying about what may happen in the future. Thanks for sharing!

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