Things I believe in…

–         Even the tiniest bit of kindness is worthwhile.

–         We are all one.

–         On most days I think I am a good person and on the days I don’t, I’m wrong.

–         Animals have an incredible power to heal.

–         Life is all about perspective.

–         Choosing not to decide, is a choice.

–         Butterflies are simultaneously, the most delicate and strong creatures on the planet.

–         It is important to connect.

–         We are better off for all that we let in.

–         Creativity is a necessary part of life to experience joy.

–         Flowers are indeed, the earth laughing.

–         Sand and water are as important to me as the air I breathe.

–         Daydreams will only get me so far, I need to learn to act and take risk.

What do you believe in… today?


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