Ode to Peonies

I LOVE peonies.

There is so much to love: all the pretty colors, the sweet perfume that tickles your nose and the explosion of big blossoms. They are joy in bloom. Love. Hope. Laughter. All that is good in this world.


I don’t even mind the little crawling ants that gently pry open the tight round buds. After all, without those tiny helpers, I wouldn’t get to enjoy those big gorgeous bursts of sun shiny happiness. The only thing that saddens me about peonies is that they don’t bloom long enough.

If there is a storm swelling on the horizon, I have been known to run outside dodging raindrops to gather the fragrant moppy heads before they droop with water.

Today’s Mantra: I will enjoy my peonies today and let the rain fall where it may.

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