Today’s Mantra : Accept that it’s okay to be tired.

In a society that reveres “doing, “ I often scold myself for being tired. Really? Is that how I want to spend my already depleted energy, chiding myself for lack of energy? It is such a classic “second arrow” action that I have to laugh a little.  I seriously don’t think my dog is too worried about being overly tired at any given moment.  Nope, she just goes and takes a nap.  We humans have a lot to learn from dogs.

I am saddened that so many of us feel this way, especially women. Why do we do this to ourselves? Who exactly is telling me that I shouldn’t be tired or that I should be full of energy? The honest answer is: no one, but myself.

My husband actually says to me: It’s okay to be tired. There is no requirement that you have to have energy.

I must remember to grant myself that permission as well. So, Today’s Mantra: accept that it is okay to be tired and remember that it won’t always be this way. PS. Naps save lives. 🙂


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