Squam or Bust, I mean Beer.

So we are out to dinner with friends when someone asks us how we plan to spend our upcoming 15 year wedding anniversary. Vegas? Dinner and a show?

“I’ll be knitting and drinking beer with the Yarn Harlot,” she says happily.

“I’ll be not knitting and drinking beer with Doug,” he says with a grin.

Truth is I really, really, really wanted to go to Squam Art Workshops held at RDC Campgrounds on Squam Lake in New Hampshire and our anniversary just happens to be during that same week.

Being all crafty, knitty and drinky just kind of floats my boat.

But, I didn’t like the idea of being away from him on our anniversary, especially since I think my hubbie is awesome and he’s my best friend. Oh, and did I tell you I hate to fly? I mean REALLY hate to fly. Partly out of fear and partly because I can’t bring large amounts of stuff without that extra $25 charge per bag.  My wonderful husband suggested that I drive the 10 hours to Squam (i really don’t mind long car rides because I am not dangling mind air in a tin box and I can bring lots of stuff) and he would fly up to Manchester, NH towards the end of the week to join me for the Arts Festival Saturday night . On Sunday, we could drive back to Maryland together. Excellent, it’s settled!

We love roadtrips. They usually involve some, but not all of the following: junk food, singing at the top of our lungs, hysterical laughter, stopping to see things like the World’s Largest Ball of Twine, farmer’s markets, brew pubs and talking about what a great couple we are. But, if I was going to drive up by myself, I would need to leave the day before our anniversary. (insert pouty lower lip sticking out here)

“We’ll celebrate a few short days later in Squam in a tiny cottage for two overlooking the lake,” he said reassuringly.

But, a few short days after he said that, he said…”hon, did you know that the American Craft Beer Fest is in Boston that weekend?”

“Why no,” she said guessing what he was hinting at, but just wanting to make him say it.

“I could fly up on Saturday with Doug and go the Festival and you could pick me up on the way home on Sunday.”


“Hmmm, I guess that could work,” she mused.

Well, that is why I am going to what he calls “Knitting Camp” and he is going to what I call “Drinking a butt load of Beer Festival”  for our anniversary.  After 15 years of marriage, we have both learned that with a little compromise we can both be get what we want.

Notice knitted beer cozies above. See knitting and beer can go together nicely.

It’s not the perfect plan, because we will miss each other terribly, but we compensated by taking an extra day off and extending our drive home so we can hunt up some cool little beach in New England, have a picnic, spend the night in a B&B, talk about how we are the greatest love story ever written and how cool it was to drink beer with The Harlot and Doug.

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2 Responses to Squam or Bust, I mean Beer.

  1. Mary Rayme says:

    Lovin’ the blog, sis! And Happy Anniversary…I can’t believe it’s been 15 years. 🙂

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