Author Archives: She Blogs

Today’s Mantra: Find the cheering section within

ShareMy nesting tendency results in a cluster of photos, critters and trinkets where ever I land: my desk at the office, my spot at the kitchen table or my art table in the studio.  The cluster serves as a cheering … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Let that shit go

ShareAnger has always been a tricky emotion for me.  I’m not good at expressing it, nor am I good at stifling it.  That makes for a tricky situation and I end up miserable either way.  Anger is a sign of … Continue reading

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2018 word for the year

ShareTowards the end of December, I usually start thinking about my mantra or word for the year. Instead of a New Year’s resolution, I look within to see what’s brewing or needing attention. 2017 was the Year of Re. Not … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra : Accept that it’s okay to be tired.

ShareIn a society that reveres “doing, “ I often scold myself for being tired. Really? Is that how I want to spend my already depleted energy, chiding myself for lack of energy? It is such a classic “second arrow” action … Continue reading

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Searching for a new sense of normal

Share Surviving and thriving after a big change or loss requires finding                      a new sense of normal. The ring. The pause. The answer. A: Hey, LL. Solid. Even. Calm. My … Continue reading

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Greeting cards can support your immune system.

ShareI struggle with construction dust, mold and plant allergies.  Not the run-of-the-mill seasonal allergies. No,  I’m talking about a canary-in-a-coal-mine-full-on-body-rash type of thing as a result of an over-reactive immune system.  A three year bout with Lyme’s disease didn’t help … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Shine on

ShareAesop is quoted as saying: No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. I believe the same can be said for shining our own unique light out into the world. No matter how small, it is never … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Don’t make yesterday’s mistake again today.

ShareI made a big mistake yesterday.  It was one that I haven’t made in a while and frankly, had gotten a little cocky about thinking that I wouldn’t make again.  I used to do it all the time. Daily, hourly, … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Pause, breathe, proceed.

Share“Do you know the way to San Jose?” Da-nah-nah-nah… I don’t know the rest of the words to that song, but it doesn’t keep my brain from singing the first line and humming the rest any time my monkey brain … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: do nothing

ShareThere has been a recurring theme in my art journal and meditations lately: rest.  Rest like your life depends on it. Just. Stop. Doing. It occurs to me that although I consciously seek a balance between work and home life, … Continue reading

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