Author Archives: She Blogs

Today is the day to soar

ShareI have spend the last few weeks watching a nest of three tiny barn swallows perched high in the eaves of my covered front porch. The building of the nest. The sitting on the eggs. The feeding of the hatchlings. … Continue reading

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Home Sweet Home

This gallery contains 15 photos.

ShareHome is not just a place to me; it’s a feeling, a color, a smell, a song. It’s the place where the anxiety lines on my forehead flatten  and the corners of my eyes and mouth smile. Blues and greens … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: respond, don’t react.

ShareWhat if we just acted like everything was easy? This famous quote by  Mary Ann Radmacher  is one that I have often pondered.  The question is scrawled on a scrap of blue paper, stabbed with a pushpin into the cork … Continue reading

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Do what you can. With what you have. Where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

This gallery contains 11 photos.

Share If you come to Moreland and notice the weeds in the flowerbeds, the unswept path or grass growing in-between the cracks in the pavers, then you have not seen Moreland. You have come looking for perfection and perfection does … Continue reading

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The joy of colorful yarn

ShareFolktales do come true! Oh, happy happy, joy joy!!! Look what came in the mail!!! Please don’t drool on the screen. Checkout Abby’s blog!  

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Todays’ Mantra: Be passionate about life

Share Passionflower at Moreland Farms Living requires breathing and although breathing is important, it is also necessary to occasionally be left breathless in order to bring life into focus.  The beauty of nature – like a passion flower in bloom – can definitely … Continue reading

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Butterflies never cease to amaze me and fill me with joy.


Posted in Gardening, Photography | 2 Comments

Things I believe in…

Share–         Even the tiniest bit of kindness is worthwhile. –         We are all one. –         On most days I think I am a good person and on the days I don’t, I’m wrong. –         Animals have an incredible power to heal. –         Life is all about perspective. … Continue reading

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Stash Bliss and Eye-Candy!


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A Whole Heap of Creativity

ShareI had the delightful pleasure of slipping away for a few hours yesterday to wander through the creative minds of some of the members of Baltimore’s very own Craft Mafia. Shame on me for forgetting my camera, but check out … Continue reading

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