Category Archives: creativity

Today’s Mantra: Find the cheering section within

ShareMy nesting tendency results in a cluster of photos, critters and trinkets where ever I land: my desk at the office, my spot at the kitchen table or my art table in the studio.  The cluster serves as a cheering … Continue reading

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Home Sweet Home

This gallery contains 15 photos.

ShareHome is not just a place to me; it’s a feeling, a color, a smell, a song. It’s the place where the anxiety lines on my forehead flatten  and the corners of my eyes and mouth smile. Blues and greens … Continue reading

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The joy of colorful yarn

ShareFolktales do come true! Oh, happy happy, joy joy!!! Look what came in the mail!!! Please don’t drool on the screen. Checkout Abby’s blog!  

Posted in Craftiness, creativity, Knitting | Leave a comment