Category Archives: Photography

Home Sweet Home

This gallery contains 15 photos.

ShareHome is not just a place to me; it’s a feeling, a color, a smell, a song. It’s the place where the anxiety lines on my forehead flatten  and the corners of my eyes and mouth smile. Blues and greens … Continue reading

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Todays’ Mantra: Be passionate about life

Share Passionflower at Moreland Farms Living requires breathing and although breathing is important, it is also necessary to occasionally be left breathless in order to bring life into focus.  The beauty of nature – like a passion flower in bloom – can definitely … Continue reading

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Butterflies never cease to amaze me and fill me with joy.


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Things are growin’ at Moreland!


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Our Legacy Tree

ShareFor our fifteenth wedding anniversary, we decided to plant a tree, a Legacy Sugar Maple to be exact. It was love at first sight…the husband and the tree. Couple of quick pictures.

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This One Time at Knit Camp: Flora, Fauna and Dune Buggies

ShareI wasn’t able to capture any of the little chipmunks that scampered across the forest floor at Squam Lake. With their tails held high in the air, they looked like zooming dune buggies racing over the dirt paths and boulders. … Continue reading

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Off into the wild blue yonder…

Share Growing up I had a riding instructor who used to sing “Off into the Wild Blue Yonder” in the  early morning as she led us on our horses away from the barn  and down the long well worn dirt path … Continue reading

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A Morning Walk at Moreland

ShareWhen I walked out my door this morning, this is what I saw. It’s gonna be a good day. Lucky me.

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Ode to Peonies

ShareI LOVE peonies. There is so much to love: all the pretty colors, the sweet perfume that tickles your nose and the explosion of big blossoms. They are joy in bloom. Love. Hope. Laughter. All that is good in this … Continue reading

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He is here.

ShareWe have waited. Months, days, hours. We have waited impatiently, noisily and anxiously. Now he is here. 10 fingers, 10 toes and full happy lungs. So small, but my heart is so full. Welcome to the world, Edison. We are … Continue reading

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