Category Archives: Today’s Mantra

Today’s Mantra: Find the cheering section within

ShareMy nesting tendency results in a cluster of photos, critters and trinkets where ever I land: my desk at the office, my spot at the kitchen table or my art table in the studio.  The cluster serves as a cheering … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Let that shit go

ShareAnger has always been a tricky emotion for me.  I’m not good at expressing it, nor am I good at stifling it.  That makes for a tricky situation and I end up miserable either way.  Anger is a sign of … Continue reading

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2018 word for the year

ShareTowards the end of December, I usually start thinking about my mantra or word for the year. Instead of a New Year’s resolution, I look within to see what’s brewing or needing attention. 2017 was the Year of Re. Not … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra : Accept that it’s okay to be tired.

ShareIn a society that reveres “doing, “ I often scold myself for being tired. Really? Is that how I want to spend my already depleted energy, chiding myself for lack of energy? It is such a classic “second arrow” action … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Shine on

ShareAesop is quoted as saying: No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. I believe the same can be said for shining our own unique light out into the world. No matter how small, it is never … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Don’t make yesterday’s mistake again today.

ShareI made a big mistake yesterday.  It was one that I haven’t made in a while and frankly, had gotten a little cocky about thinking that I wouldn’t make again.  I used to do it all the time. Daily, hourly, … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Pause, breathe, proceed.

Share“Do you know the way to San Jose?” Da-nah-nah-nah… I don’t know the rest of the words to that song, but it doesn’t keep my brain from singing the first line and humming the rest any time my monkey brain … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: do nothing

ShareThere has been a recurring theme in my art journal and meditations lately: rest.  Rest like your life depends on it. Just. Stop. Doing. It occurs to me that although I consciously seek a balance between work and home life, … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: respond, don’t react.

ShareWhat if we just acted like everything was easy? This famous quote by  Mary Ann Radmacher  is one that I have often pondered.  The question is scrawled on a scrap of blue paper, stabbed with a pushpin into the cork … Continue reading

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Todays’ Mantra: Be passionate about life

Share Passionflower at Moreland Farms Living requires breathing and although breathing is important, it is also necessary to occasionally be left breathless in order to bring life into focus.  The beauty of nature – like a passion flower in bloom – can definitely … Continue reading

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