Category Archives: Writing

2018 word for the year

ShareTowards the end of December, I usually start thinking about my mantra or word for the year. Instead of a New Year’s resolution, I look within to see what’s brewing or needing attention. 2017 was the Year of Re. Not … Continue reading

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Searching for a new sense of normal

Share Surviving and thriving after a big change or loss requires finding                      a new sense of normal. The ring. The pause. The answer. A: Hey, LL. Solid. Even. Calm. My … Continue reading

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Greeting cards can support your immune system.

ShareI struggle with construction dust, mold and plant allergies.  Not the run-of-the-mill seasonal allergies. No,  I’m talking about a canary-in-a-coal-mine-full-on-body-rash type of thing as a result of an over-reactive immune system.  A three year bout with Lyme’s disease didn’t help … Continue reading

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Things I believe in…

Share–         Even the tiniest bit of kindness is worthwhile. –         We are all one. –         On most days I think I am a good person and on the days I don’t, I’m wrong. –         Animals have an incredible power to heal. –         Life is all about perspective. … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: It’s a choice and I choose kindness.

ShareAlthough by social standards I am considered “middle-aged”, I feel far from wise.  There are still many things I just plain don’t understand and will likely never understand -like being unkind just for the sake of being unkind. Actually, I hope … Continue reading

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I’m just sayin’… or rather my mug is

Share I love tea, hot or cold -but especially hot- the taste, the smell, the act of drinking it, the comforting warmth of it, going to a tea house on my birthday every year with my mom, tea mugs, cups, … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Adjusting My Focus

ShareLetters make up words. Words come together to form sentences. Sentences create paragraphs. Paragraphs fill chapters. Chapters fill books. Books help us learn, escape, cope, dream and attempt to make sense of things. Sometimes, if we are lucky enough to … Continue reading

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Chaos and Crappery

Share Just like everyone else, my life is not always easy. I’m sure that comes as no surprise to most of you, but sometimes in the middle of a good run, I forget.   Although you usually only see the lighter … Continue reading

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What is your greatness today?

ShareToday’s Mantra: Today I will give my kindness is abundance and without judgement.

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Thanks for asking…

ShareFifteen years ago today, I married my bestfriend because… … he asked and I love him. … he loves me in a way that I recognize to be the greatest kind of love there is. … he is tall, dark … Continue reading

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