Tag Archives: mantra

Today’s Mantra: respond, don’t react.

ShareWhat if we just acted like everything was easy? This famous quote by  Mary Ann Radmacher  is one that I have often pondered.  The question is scrawled on a scrap of blue paper, stabbed with a pushpin into the cork … Continue reading

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Today’s Mantra: Let go of the sun at the day’s end

ShareSometimes looking at a sunset as beautiful as this can make me sad.  Strange, right?  It may be because I am dreading the next day and what it will bring or it may be because the present day is so perfect I … Continue reading

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Off into the wild blue yonder…

Share Growing up I had a riding instructor who used to sing “Off into the Wild Blue Yonder” in the  early morning as she led us on our horses away from the barn  and down the long well worn dirt path … Continue reading

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